Wednesday 11 September 2013

Cruse Associates, Scandinavian Banks, G-20 Meeting, Everbright: Compliance

Cruse Associates, Scandinavian Banks, G-20 Meeting, Everbright: Compliance
Scandinavia’s biggest banks have failed to curb funding risks linked to financial innovation and will probably only avoid downgrades if national regulators force through stricter measures, according to Standard & Poor’s.

Steps taken to date by lenders including Denmark’s Danske Bank A/S (DANSKE) and Nykredit A/S, as well as Nordea Bank AB (NDA) and Svenska Handelsbanken AB (SHBA) in Sweden, aren’t enough, said Per Tornqvist, a Stockholm-based analyst at S&P. As competitive pressure “forces banks to maintain short-term funding,” regulators need to step in and help banks extend their funding maturities, he said.

AAA-rated Scandinavia’s biggest banks are more vulnerable to funding shocks than their peers in the U.S., France and Italy, according to a July analysis by S&P, which measured liquidity risks five years after the collapse of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. paralyzed the global financial system. The rating company criticized Nordic lenders’ practice of using funds as short as one year to finance loans as long as 30 years, as well as a reliance on short-term offshore borrowing.

Swedish banks are more dependent on market funding than banks in most other countries, according to the Financial Supervisory Authority in Stockholm.

In Denmark, home to the world’s largest mortgage bond market per capita, banks refinance as much as $228 billion annually, spread over quarterly auctions. About 50 percent of Danish borrowers refinance their mortgages annually, according to the FSA in Copenhagen.

Efforts to sidestep funding mismatches by inventing new securities will do little to persuade S&P the lenders are really addressing liquidity risks, Tornqvist said.

Banks are responding to the latest regulator demands that they protect themselves against funding misalignments by inventing new securities.

Merkel Says G-20 Agrees on Regulation Plan for Shadow Banks

Group of 20 summit leaders in St. Petersburg Sept. 6 agreed on a road map for regulating shadow banks throughout the G-20, German chancellor Angela Merkel told reporters after the meeting.

Leaders from outside Europe “recognize that the euro areas crisis isn’t over yet but that confidence is returning, and when structural reforms continue and if we keep to our commitments and show we’re reliable -- that then we can overcome this crisis step by step,” Merkel said.

Merkel also said the G-20 leaders agreed to extend a commitment to refrain from new protectionist measures for another two years.

Carney Calls for Bank Risk-Model Clampdown to Repair Trust

Regulators must restrict lenders’ ability to escape tougher capital rules by changing how they measure risk, Financial Stability Board Chairman Mark Carney said, as he urged nations to finish an overhaul of bank rules.

“The risk models that banks use to calculate their capital needs show worryingly large differences,” Carney, governor of the Bank of England, said in a letter Sept. 5 to leaders from the Group of 20 nations meeting in St. Petersburg, Russia. “This must be addressed for depositors, investors, clients and authorities to have full confidence in the strength of bank balance sheets and their resilience during a downturn.”

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision, an international regulators group, said in July that some lenders were backing investments with as much as 20 percent more capital than other banks. European banks generally apply lower risk weights to their holdings of bank-issued debt than lenders based elsewhere, the Basel group said.

International standards set by the Basel committee require banks to meet minimum capital requirements, measured as a percentage of their assets.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Cruse tax accounting tips and reviews, Fælles Skat Bedrager & Spidser for Undgåen af Svindel
Med Skat Dag faster nærming, er vi alle klar, over der vore personlige finanser vil være under mikroskopet for den overskuelige fremtid. Desværre, ikke analyse alle vor private information vil have nødvendighedmyndigheden at gøre så, da historien af skatsvindel er retfærdig så længe som det af skatter.
For at undgå pengetabet, krediter resultatskade, og ulejlighed, der er så ofte byproducts af skat malfeasance, forbrugere må forstå ikke kun, hvad de mest fælles typer af skatsvindel er, men også, hvordan at modarbejde dem.
Skatfupnumre & Bedragerisk Svindel
Vender Tilbage (Identitetstyveri) : Med et par nøglestykker af oplysninger om en forbruger – sådan som et navn, Personnummer, og/eller henvender sig – fraudsters kan ordne en skathjemkomst på deres vegne sådan, som yderst at stikke i lommen nogen tilsvarende skatrefundering. IRS estimerer, at det vil tabe $26 milliarder som følge af bedrageriske refunderinger under fem-året perioden fra 2012 til 2016. ”Ideen af nogen, som gør dine skatter, for som du gennemsnitlig temmelig ville appellere. Faktisk, er det noget, som du typiskt ville behøve at betale for”, sagde Odysseas Papadimitriou, Korts Navs CEO og en alment-respekteret personlig finansekspert.
”Det er bestemt ikke tilfældet, når det kommer til bedrageriske skathjemkomster, skønt. Ikke kun kunne denne type af redundant arkiveringsroderi med din refundering, men det vil også sandsynlig udløser, som en ubelejlig undersøgelseseproces at blive foretaget af IRS. Så, ignorer ikke advarselstegnene: Et bogstav fra IRS om mangfoldige hjemkomster, inconsistencies i dine protokoller, eller måske mere relevante i dene tid, et e-arkivskabforsøg, der får sprunget. Der sidst en bærer gentagelse: Hvis du prøver at ordne on-line og er ude af stand til at gøre så, det kunne være en indikation, at en fraudster allerede har ordnet en hjemkomst under dit navn. Med der sagde, er de bedste måder at forhindre en fraudster fra ordne under dit navn at tage fornuftige skridt at værne din personlig information — sådan som sikre sig, at din computer har den forsinkete sikkerhedsoftwaren — og at ordne så tidlig som muligt for at minimere vinduet af anledning for svindel”.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

Cruse Associates news story - Construction and Grading Co. sees boost in business

Evans Construction and Grading Co. has been serving heavy industrial client needs across Northwest Georgia since Donald Evans founded the company back in 1978.
It’s become what is tantamount to a full-service civil engineering giant, doing everything from grading and foundation work to steel-erection and high-pressure piping systems.
The company has considerable expertise with both the power-generation and paper-making industries, a couple of naturals given the importance of both industries to the immediate Rome area.
Today, Evans Construction is based out of two offices, at 4045 Rockmart Highway in Silver Creek and 3225 Alabama Highway between Rome and Coosa.
And it all started with Donald Evans’ junkyard scrap business.
In 1976, Georgia Kraft in Coosa asked Evans if they could borrow a front-end loader — a piece of equipment with a set of forks on it that Evans used to move automobiles.
“They had one just like it, but theirs broke down. We’re still working there at the paper mill,” said Kevin Evans, the company president and son of founders and owners Donald and Linda Evans.
After loaning Georgia Kraft his loader, Donald Evans started doing a variety of jobs at the paper mill.
“(It was) small work — pouring concrete, designing concrete pads, foundations — then we got into some steel work and even bigger work,” Kevin Evans said.
In 1985, the company got a job building the ash pond for Georgia Power Co.’s Plant Hammond in Coosa.

Friday 22 March 2013

Cruse and Associates: Hongkong Esitelee Varat Johtaminen Vero Kannustimia

Hongkong-hallitus on esitellyt uudessa 2013 budjetissaan tarkoittivat kaupungin kansainvälisenä etujohtaminen keskustana edistämiseen kehitykseen. Haluaminen houkutella ulkomaisempia varajohtajia alueelle, Taloudellinen Sihteeri John Tsang sanoi, ettei hallitus esitelisi muutoksia lakiin laajentaa verovapauksia voitoilla joka ymmärtävät merellä sijaitsevista varoista ulkomaisissa yksityisissä yhtiöissä jotka omista omaisuus eikä etuja Hongkongissa.
Hongkong korjasi viimeksi verokoodiansa tällä alueella vuodessa 2006, kun se vapautti merellä sijaitsevia varoja maksaminen verosta jos ne eivät tee bisnestä Hongkongissa paitsi pätevöityminen eikä tulevaisuussuorituksia varastoi. Tämä toi kaupungin yhdensuuntaiselle, jossa on New York ja Lontoo, kuinka ei laajentanut vapautusta merellä sijaitseviin yksityisiin kohtuusvaroihin. Tuo on nyt on muutettu.
Tsang paljasti myös, että teollisuus pyydettaisiin mielipiteet sijoituslain uudistaminen muilla alueilla, mukaan lukien ”apoimen sijoitusyhtiön” mahdollinen esittely.
Hongkong-hallitus on myös keskusteluissa, joissa on mannermaavastineensa perustaa että keskinäinen tunnustaminen sallia Hongkong rekisteröityi, että varat tulla myydyksi mannermaalla ja paheella versa.
Dezan Shira & Liikekumppanit ovat asiantuntija ulkomainen suora sijoituskäytäntö, joka ehkäisee osakeyhtiön perustaminen, bisnes neuvoa-antava, vero neuvoa-antava ja kuuliaisuus, kirjanpito, palkkalista, erääntynyt ahkeruus ja taloudelliset arvostelupalvelut monikansallisiin yrityksiin sijoittaminen tulemisessa esiin Aasiassa. 

Thursday 10 January 2013

Cruse and Associates Accounting

We offer a range of high-quality of services such as audit, taxation, accounting services, corporate recovery, individual and corporate insolvency, receiverships, company secretarial, management consulting, corporate finance advices, investigation, expert witness and due diligence and well as other accounting related services.

Our goal is to serve our clients that are in accordance with the growing demand of business industries, coupled with our set of professionals through their own course expertise. We alter our services for our clients in a way which would help them to progress their financial performance, capitalize on opportunities for growth and manage risks.

Cruse and Associates Accounting - Home

Our high quality of personal service is our pride here in Cruse and Associates. Our firm is a dynamic and well -recognized through our group of professional across the world. Our Partners and Executives have a wide-ranging international and varied experience- our one of the best ways in providing a very inclusive and global demand of service.

We offer a range of high-quality of services such as audit, taxation, accounting services, corporate recovery, individual and corporate insolvency, receiverships, company secretarial, management consulting, corporate finance advices, investigation, expert witness and due diligence and well as other accounting related services.

Our goal is to serve our clients that are in accordance with the growing demand of business industries, coupled with our set of professionals through their own course expertise. We alter our services for our clients in a way which would help them to progress their financial performance, capitalize on opportunities for growth and manage risks.

Cruse and Associates Accounting: Home

Our high quality of personal service is our pride here in Cruse and Associates. Our firm is a dynamic and well -recognized through our group of professional across the world. Our Partners and Executives have a wide-ranging international and varied experience- our one of the best ways in providing a very inclusive and global demand of service.

We offer a range of high-quality of services such as audit, taxation, accounting services, corporate recovery, individual and corporate insolvency, receiverships, company secretarial, management consulting, corporate finance advice, investigation, expert witness and due diligence and well as other accounting related services.

Our goal is to serve our clients that are in accordance with the growing demand of business industries, coupled with our set of professionals through their own course expertise. We alter our services for our clients in a way which would help them to progress their financial performance, capitalize on opportunities for growth and manage risks.

We also aim to broaden our endeavor into an approach of achieving our clients full potential and well as their objectives.